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HomeMarketing8 Mistakes NOT To Make On Social Media

8 Mistakes NOT To Make On Social Media

Social media mistakes: Nowadays, social networks are more than channels of entertainment and relationships between friends.

For companies and self-employed professionals, these platforms are an excellent tool for dissemination and communication between brands and consumers.

For this reason, they must be included in digital marketing actions. But, with so many resources and options available (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, among others), it is not always easy to succeed in this endeavor.

If you intend or already use social networks to promote your business, know that some actions should be avoided so as not to harm the strategy. With that in mind, we’ve separated eight mistakes NOT to make on social media; follow along.

Digital Presence On Social Networks: What Should We Avoid?

Social media marketing is classified as a set of strategies that aim to attract the target audience of a brand or company through planned actions for the numerous social interaction platforms available today.

Investing in social media profiles can increase your conversions, generate more traffic to your website, help you to know your audience better, increase engagement with the public and, consequently, increase your company’s sales.

Therefore, social networks can bring excellent results for your business in terms of sales and customer relationships. However, some attitudes can end up harming your digital positioning.

Not Planning The Strategy

Lack of planning is one of the most common mistakes made when using social media. And if this is your case, know that creating multiple profiles without a well-defined strategy will only waste time and money for you and your team.

Therefore, it is essential to think about and identify the brand’s mission and the purpose of its presence on social networks. In this aspect, it is also necessary to define the target audience and issues, such as the type of content that will be published.

Focus Only On Ads

In social networks, it is possible to create content and advertise it for a fee. The goal is to reach as many people as possible, but in a segmented way, considering the audience your strategy wants to go.

Despite this, focusing only on ads is not a good idea. After all, remember that social networks emerged to bring fun and entertainment. In this sense, it’s like TV: the more commercials and advertisements, the worse the user experience will be.

Shoot In All Directions

Among the eight mistakes NOT to MAKE on social media, shooting everywhere is one of the main ones. This means that while different platforms are available to grow your digital presence, there is no need to be on all of them.

When creating profiles on social networks, it is essential to research which ones are worth it for your business. For this to be possible, the main factor is knowing which platforms your audience is on.

Ignore Followers

Interaction is the primary motivation to maintain a profile on social networks. In the case of companies, creating a good relationship between the brand and its consumers is only possible through communication through private messages and comments, for example.

So ignoring your followers is a vital mistake. So always respond to messages sent, interact in the comments, and never fail to respond to a follower. For this to be possible, the ideal is always to have a person or team available.

Post Randomly

To use social networks professionally, making random posts on the day and at the time that suits you is not enough. Incidentally, this behavior is not recommended if you want to grow your reach and increase your sales.

The content must be well planned, considering your audience’s needs and your company’s field of activity. In addition, it is essential to analyze which days and times your profile performs best and plan posts with that in mind.

Keeping An Incomplete Profile

When creating a profile on social media, platforms ask for various information. However, not all companies complete the registration thoroughly, leaving out important information for the consumer, such as phone number and address.

The tip is to fill in as much information as possible about your company, making life easier for followers. After all, nowadays, it is very likely that social networks are the first consumer contact with your brand.

Focus Only On Sales

Never forget that people use social media for leisure. In this way, your goal may be to increase your business’s sales. But, know that focusing content only on promoting products and services is not a good strategy.

Always stay connected to the news and try to create current content. A good alternative is to inform the reader about matters connected to your product or service but do it discreetly, without looking like a direct sale.

Not Monitoring Results

In any digital marketing strategy, monitoring the results is extremely necessary to identify whether the actions taken are adequate and correspond to the objectives proposed in the initial planning. On social media, this could not be different.

Here it is essential to evaluate what is said about your brand, company, product, and service, as well as metrics about likes, shares, saves, viewing time, and comments, among other relevant data.

Also Read: Find Out The Best Time To Post A Photo On Instagram

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