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HomeSocial MediaFind Out The Best Time To Post A Photo On Instagram

Find Out The Best Time To Post A Photo On Instagram

Instagram is one of the world’s largest social networks, with millions of users. Its tools are diverse. Therefore, many people have some doubts, one of them being the best time to post a photo on Instagram.

The social network allows users to post photos, stories, reels, etc. It is still an important means of communication, leisure and even work. Therefore, knowing the best time to post a photo on Instagram is critical to achieving engagement and reaching your ideal audience.

Want to know more about the topic? So, keep reading this article!

What Are The Days And Times Of Most Engagement On The Social Network?

Remember that the best days and times to post on Instagram are not standardized. That is, it is possible that, for companies from different sectors, the same days and times can be good for some and bad for others.

This is because each Business has a different persona, which acts according to several variables, such as geography, age, behavior, etc. Therefore, the best time to post a photo on Instagram may vary.

However, it is still possible to generalize research carried out by companies to understand consumer behavior. The information can serve as a basis to be adapted to your target audience. Check out some of the best times to post a photo on Instagram, as per research:

  • Sunday — between 10 am and 2 pm;
  • Monday — between 11 am and 5 pm;
  • Tuesday — 5 am and between 9 am and 6 pm;
  • Wednesday — 5 am, 11 am and 3 pm;
  • Thursday — 5 am, 11 am and 3 pm;
  • Friday — 5 am and between 9 am and 4 pm;
  • Saturday — 11 am.

Some of this data considers that people check social media as soon as they wake up, during their lunch break from work and more at night. That last one when they’re getting home, probably.

Therefore, it is interesting to understand that, despite these general notions of the best time to post a photo on Instagram, each. 

What Is The Best Time To Post A Photo On Instagram For Each Area?

Depending on your business niche, you can predict the best times to post on Instagram. Follow next!


If you work in the education field, the best time to post on Instagram is at 8 pm on Monday. The worst day for this is Sunday. Engagement peaks occur between 11 am and 4 pm throughout the week.

Non-Profit Organizations

The best day for Instagram posts in this area is Tuesday. The peak audience range is between 12 pm and 5 pm on weekdays. For this niche, Saturday is the worst day to publish.


Tech posts tend to engage more from Wednesday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm. The best day to post is Wednesday, around 10 am. Sunday continues to be the day with the least engagement from users.


For companies that serve other companies (B2B), it is recommended to publish between 11 am and 1 pm on Saturdays. The highest engagement rate is between 10 am and 3 pm daily. Monday has lower performance on the social network.

Consumer Goods

The best days for the consumer goods area (food, clothes, toiletries, etc.) are Wednesday at 3 pm, and Saturday at 10 am. Platform engagement peaks occur between 10 am and 3 pm Monday through Thursday. Sunday is the day that provides the least interactions on Instagram for this area.


Tuesday is the best day for posts in this area on Instagram, with 1 pm being the best time to do so. The highest engagement peaks are Tuesday through Thursday, between 9 am and 4 pm.

The weekend usually presents a low rate of interactions on social networks for those who work in health.

Media Vehicles

For the press and other media outlets, Thursday at 9 am is the best result for Instagram posts. On Wednesday and Friday, from 8 am to 10 am, the social network also has high engagement rates. The weekend does not bring great results for interactions on the platform.

And To Post Stories, Is There A Right Time?

There is no consensus in this regard. However, it is recommended that stories are published when your followers are most active.

To know this data, you need to track your account metrics. Thus, you will understand how your audience behaves in the days and times of greater use of the social network.

What Are The Tips For Defining A Good Timing Strategy?

Some strategies can help your Business reach the desired audience on the days and times most active on Instagram.

For this, it is essential to understand some important points. Know your target audience, develop your persona, use analytics tools to understand the behavior of your followers, etc.

Here are some tips for finding the best time to post on your brand’s Instagram.

Know Your Audience

It’s important to remember that you need to know who you want to talk to. After all, if your ideal audience is not defined, your strategies will not be successful. Therefore, it is essential to have information about your consumer behavior at hand, such as:

  • age;
  • profession;
  • formation;
  • main pains about your product or service, etc.

The narrower your definition of your persona, the more chances you have of putting together a good timing strategy. As a consequence, you will guarantee good results for your Business.

Use Instagram For Business

Instagram for Business allows you to access various data regarding the behavior of the user who visits your profile.

This tool provides insights into hits, impressions, views in stories, etc. In addition, it reveals important data about the profile’s followers, ranging from their age group to their geographic location.

Analyze The Competition

It is also interesting to observe the actions of brands in your niche. That’s because personas can be similar and present similar behaviors when using Instagram.

With this, you can get relevant information to build your strategy, especially if you are starting a new business. You can later adapt your knowledge to make sense based on your experience.

Also Read: 6 Tips For Small Businesses On Instagram

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