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HomeCloud ComputingDiscover Some Myths And Truths About Cloud Computing

Discover Some Myths And Truths About Cloud Computing

Want to know some myths and truths about cloud computing? It is common for cloud computing, or cloud computing, to be a disruptive technology.

But, it’s even more than that. It is a new concept, a paradigm shift that has modified processes and forms of internal organization within companies.

From the cloud, it is possible to create an online information repository, which guarantees the security and governability of the data and allows access to any member remotely connected to the network through a simple internet connection.

The possibilities of cloud computing are increasingly accessible to the public, being open to the market as a service and not a product. But remember that each solution is planned according to the company’s demand and is not always just a cloud solution that solves all the internal problems of the organization.

By creating a new way of storing and sharing information, the cloud has a decisive impact on the company’s internal organization to streamline processes, reduce gaps, and reduce infrastructure costs, since it is no longer spent on routines—backup or equipment purchase.

Myths And Truths About  Cloud Computing

When we talk about cloud computing, we refer to a complex system full of variables that can be programmed in countless ways. It involves not only storage but also virtualization, the possibility of remote work, and new analysis tools, among other aspects.

The cloud solution, in turn, can encompass externally rendered software, backups, virtualized operating systems, and even the creation of modification histories and collaborative solutions.

Below, we will point out some myths and truths to clarify doubts about implementing a cloud system in your company. Check it out:

Myths And Truths About Cloud Computing: Myths

Myths are treacherous. Often, they prevent the company from adopting a new technology that could undoubtedly bring benefits in terms of administration.

Cloud Computing Requires A Lot Of Investment

The idea that it is necessary to reallocate a high investment to be applied within the IT sector is invalid to deploying the cloud. Cloud computing technology promotes precisely the opposite – cost reduction. That’s because you only pay for the service and any maintenance that keeps the network secure.

At the beginning of this digital transformation movement, cloud services were more expensive and targeted only at large corporations. But, given the need for popularization, it was necessary to adopt new strategies to consolidate the market. Currently, you can join a subscription model and pay only for the services and tools you hire.

It Is A Risk For IT Professionals

Contrary to what some think, cloud computing technology does not come to confront human action but to collaborate. IT professionals, for example, are essential to managing and organizing the cloud system, which is present in most companies to facilitate processes and maximize the results achieved by the team.  

According to research by Gartner, adherence to cloud computing services grows exponentially. There are predictions that, by 2020, most companies will be using cloud tools and services.

Relying On The Cloud Is Dangerous

This does not apply. Despite being new to some companies, cloud technology does not put files at risk. On the contrary, they are reserved for an online system that can be accessed remotely as long as the user provides, for example, an access password. This also ensures security.

The cloud appears, above all, as a way to store and share data within the network with complete autonomy and security.

Myths And Truths About Cloud Computing: Truths

Now it’s time to attest to the truth and benefits of cloud computing. There are other possibilities from the cloud besides accessibility, availability, and flexibility within the work mindset.

Cost Reduction

It is, for sure, one of the main concerns of all companies. The reduction of costs, among other factors, stimulates the first charges to the administration sectors. But do not worry! The cloud is the ideal alternative to seek to reduce infrastructure costs.

This is because the company eliminates the cost of maintaining a fixed structure of servers and computers. With all the storage and sharing of data on the networks, extra infrastructure costs are cut.

Greater agility in processes also reduces the time to fulfill demands, which increases productivity and also optimizes costs.

Data Security

The best cloud computing service providers have teams exclusively focused on ensuring systems security. Is outsourcing cloud management a good idea? If it depends on a specialized professional, yes!

For example, taking care of maintenance routines on the platform is essential to stay free of threats and guarantee total data privacy. There is no immune system to fail.

But, with a specialized structure taking care of the platform’s management, it is possible to minimize the occurrence of attacks on the data or sudden stops on the platform, which directly affects production, guaranteeing total security to the system.

Structure Flexibility And Scalability

By relying on a cloud platform, the burden of managing our servers is no longer on the shoulders of IT teams. Thus, it is possible to make data sharing more flexible and the work routine itself (which can become remote).

Good cloud services can adjust the best structure to the company’s needs. Not only does this help lower the cost of downtime, but it also helps you better prepare for peak operations and the emergence of new opportunities.

Also Read: How To Adapt Your Cloud To Data Protection Laws?

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