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HomeCloud ComputingHow To Find Structured And Unstructured Data In The Cloud?

How To Find Structured And Unstructured Data In The Cloud?

Information is the fuel behind business evolution in the digital transformation era. Therefore, it is necessary to use structured and unstructured data in its operation strategically.

However, does your company know the difference between the two types of digital files and how they can be found? According to Forbes research, 95% of companies need help managing unstructured data.

This challenge may not seem like it at first glance, but it has a 100% impact on business progression. According to MicroStrategy research, 94% of companies say that data is essential for the operation’s growth.

And in your company, are there difficulties in dealing with different data types? If the answer is positive, continue reading because, in this context, we will explain everything about structured and unstructured data and understand how Future can maximize its corporate strategy. Check out!

What Are Structured And Unstructured Data? 

Knowing that data is essential is like rain in the wet for those who deal with the most strategic part of business today. However, within the category itself, they are differentiated by their type.

There is structured and unstructured data — it is worth mentioning that there is also semi-structured data, but this is a subject for other content.

How about understanding what differentiates each type of file? Check it out:

  • Structured Data: Refers to data that resides in a fixed field within a file or record, usually stored in a relational database. For example, a spreadsheet with columns defined for phone numbers, zip codes, and first and last names contains structured data.
  • Unstructured data: in this case, the information is not structured in a predefined way without its model. Thus, it is possible to have a database full of different unstructured data, such as text files, image files, video, audio and others.

Walkthrough: How to find structured and unstructured Data In The Cloud?

Now, what steps to take to map and find the structured and unstructured data? It may seem simple, but several business leaders still skate on the subject precisely because little is said about it.

Data governance can contribute to strategic and analytical decision-making. The first step is to locate your data. Follow!

Where Are They?

It’s important to understand that digital data is typically stored in your business cloud. In the case of structured data, it is common to be stored in data warehouses (or data deposits), which serves as an endpoint for your journey.

These files need less storage space and are organized in relational databases. As for unstructured data, its most common destination is in data lakes (data lakes), a large repository that stores them in their original format and varying sizes.

How To Find It?

Once you have access to your data warehouse and data lake, it’s time to understand how to identify them among the thousands or millions of files.

First, structured data is simpler to find, both by humans and machines. After all, usually, it is composed of texts and numbers arranged.

There are several software for the task, capable of finding the files more easily and quickly. The complex part is finding unstructured data: because it doesn’t have a predefined model, this type presents more significant challenges. After all, the file is hard to deconstruct, as it doesn’t fit in relational databases.

There are specific tools for mining and finding unstructured data. However, these operate within a specific limit, such as Data Discovery – a subject we will discuss below.

Why Find Them?

You might be wondering why it’s so important to know where to find the different types of data your business generates precisely because it can improve the analysis of historical events and past results and predict future events.

All this influences the strategic potential of the business and the insights it can obtain to optimize its operations and become even more competitive.

Data Discovery: Large-Scale Data 

And do you already know Data Discovery, and are you interested in applying it in your business? In another article on our blog, we explain the difference between Data Mapping and Discovery, in which we define both concepts.

The strategy in question deals with the scanning and discovering of personal and sensitive personal data in corporate databases. Thus, it is essential, especially in the LGPD era, where the data controller and operator must keep records of all operations carried out with the information.

Best of all, Data Discovery allows companies to discover, analyze and correct personal data at scale. It is possible to consolidate them in a single place, allowing them to be accessed instantly.

When we talk about structured and unstructured data, Data Discovery emerges as a solution for companies to align their cybersecurity needs with an effective method that facilitates mapping vital data for the operation.

Also Read: Challenges Of Advanced Data Analysis In Companies

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