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HomeMarketingHow To Do Content Marketing On LinkedIn?

How To Do Content Marketing On LinkedIn?

The largest professional network in the world has many possibilities to be explored. One of them is content marketing on LinkedIn, as the platform allows you to publish articles, feed posts in text, images, video, and more.

Using this social network strategically allows the marketing team to explore all of LinkedIn’s benefits. The platform has millions of users in the country, making it an excellent means of attraction, especially for B2-B businesses.

If you’re familiar with attraction marketing, you know that content production is essential to the strategy’s success. In this context, LinkedIn could not be left out as an alternative to attracting prospects, as long as the network is compatible with the type of audience you want to attract. Of course, the first and foremost rule of thumb in content marketing is to create relevant materials and deliver value to the persona — and LinkedIn would be no different.

To attract readers, know that the rules do not differ that much from content created for other platforms. Therefore, understanding what your audience’s pains and needs are at the beginning of the trajectory, as these are the indicators of what topics to address, how to talk about these subjects, and in what way they will be helpful for your persona.

That way, understand as much as you can about your audience, preferences, interests, and other essential details. This information guides the production of articles and other publications that your company can make on the net.

Use Persuasion Techniques

Salespeople have long known the importance of applying persuasion techniques to get what they want. Our brain works intensely all the time to make more bold decisions — and if among these micro-decisions is the doubt between reading an article published on LinkedIn or going straight through the feed?

So it is. In this chaotic and rushed scenario where everyone is inserted, just a millisecond makes the difference between clicking on a link or ignoring it. Therefore, using persuasion techniques can attract and arouse the reader’s curiosity.

From the title of the article, applications of content marketing techniques (such as stainability) and even the use of mental triggers can influence your persona’s decision-making. So, use persuasion mechanisms wisely and notice the difference in your results!

Create Related Content

Do you know good old link building? You can also use it on LinkedIn! The platform allows you to link articles within LinkedIn itself or external pages, such as your website, blog, social networks, etc. In addition to this possibility, know that you can also get “series articles,” in which various contents are produced that are linked to a primary text.

The goal is to make the reader navigate between articles, just like with a blog — where you can encourage and guide the visitor between pages. The result of this is a much greater reach.

Generate Traffic To Your Website

In addition to making the user move between your content on LinkedIn itself, why not take it to your blog or website? After all, this is one of the fundamentals of content marketing, getting the visitor to enter the sales funnel.

As with other social networks, you can use your posts to direct users to other pages, generating traffic to your site. To do this, share blog articles, do link building and start increasing the number of visits — which yields excellent results in terms of SEO.

Network On The Net

LinkedIn is a great place to connect with people in the same areas of interest as an excellent social network. Furthermore, the platform reinforces this interaction precisely because it is a professional network created to create connections between people from the same segments.

Building relationships with other users expands your content delivery network, but this should be done with caution. Not all people will be interested in what you have to say; you need to know your niche and identify who wants to see the content offered by your brand. The creation of networking can introduce potential customers and prospect leads and reduce the costs of capturing.

Use The Algorithm To Your Advantage

The web works based on algorithms that deliver content according to each user’s preferences. These measures, such as engagement, visibility, and other factors, point out who makes more relevant materials and deserves prominence on the network.

To ensure that the algorithm works in your favor, remember that it is essential to maintain the frequency of posts and have the suitable days and times to publish. Once again, it is necessary to reinforce the importance of creating quality content since the interactions in the first hours after the post goes live are decisive in indicating whether it will continue to be on the rise or not.

Also Read: Social Media Marketing: How To Interact With The Audience?

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