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HomeMarketingFive Pillars Of Marketing: Discover The Power

Five Pillars Of Marketing: Discover The Power

You’ve seen many marketing pillars, maybe 3, 4, or even 7. However, digital marketing is extensive, and it’s okay for each company to use its posts as long as the strategy works for them.

Marketing strategies can use various resources, tools, and techniques to make the structuring firmer. After all, the support is more significant and longer-lasting with a more robust base.

Imagine that these pillars are like the structure of a building and that the more you want it to grow, the more the foundations must be firm, right? The same is true in digital marketing, so the supporting fundamentals need to be well defined.


If you thought that branding was just for big companies, you were wrong! Branding is a form of management in which the strategy is created to make your brand more attractive to the public. Based on this, actions are developed that show your company’s values, purposes, and positioning.

Your brand can communicate clearly and show where it came from through visual identity, tone of voice and experiences, and other details. Therefore, branding is the management of the “image” that the public has of the business.

Planning must be long-term, including ways to shape the audience’s perception of the brand, gain trust and improve the company’s perception in customers’ minds.

In this context, the great idea is to plan the branding, position the brand, and gain visibility and relevance in the market. Thus, the business starts to have a good reputation with the public, which has already expanded. 

SEO Techniques

Being in the top results of Google is not something your brand will achieve overnight. Reaching the top of the search engine is one of the biggest dreams among companies with an online presence. However, it is necessary to have an optimization strategy since this is one of the main pillars of marketing.

For your brand to be found, it needs to appear on Google. And, to appear on Google, you have to invest in SEO techniques — this is one of the fundamentals of successful digital marketing.

Whether you are optimizing your website, blog pages, or other pages on the web, search engine optimization is essential for improving organic rankings. With this, you generate organic traffic, increase your brand’s reach, and still gain authority in the digital world.

Ranking among the first results is quite a task. Google does a thorough analysis to find the most relevant content most advantageous to the user’s search. Therefore, combining SEO techniques with quality content is the great secret to appearing on the first page.


Content could not be left out as one of the pillars of digital marketing. After all, any web communication strategy needs to use materials to dialogue with the public.

In this context, content marketing comes into play to bring valuable and relevant information because, within attraction marketing, this is the first step for the user to start the shopping journey. The content allows the consumer to get to know the brand, create a bond of trust and begin to follow the company more closely.

When people have a question, they no longer turn to a book on the shelf to find an answer. Now open Google, and in a few seconds, the answer is there, in your hand. In this way, content on the web can engage, conquer and turn visitors into buyers.

Sales Funnel

The sales funnel the path the consumer goes through from the first contact, in the discovery phase, to the post-sale to retain that customer. A brand that wants to have recurring sales and wants to create a lasting relationship with the clientele must invest in the sales funnel.

Each stage of the pipeline — as the sales funnel is also called — is essential for the lead to build maturity until it is ready to make the purchase.

The discovery phase is when the person becomes aware that they have a problem. After that, she looks for a solution and starts to consider options, which is when she becomes a lead. In this process, she receives materials and content that reinforce that it is the best decision until she feels encouraged and makes the purchase.

Email Marketing

Email is a means of direct communication with your audience. You send email marketing campaigns because you have gained consumer trust, which is a big step in digital marketing automation.

Given this, email marketing could not be left out of the pillars. Segmented campaigns usually have excellent results and a low cost, which makes the ROI of this strategy the highest in the market!

Automation is also of great importance, as it facilitates the execution of campaigns. Overall, email remains a great strategy in any industry.

By putting these five strategies into practice as the pillars of marketing, you can be sure that success will be much more significant — especially if you count on the help of automation tools to optimize processes.

Also Read: Small Business Marketing Strategy

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