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HomeBusinessWhy Do Companies Choose Salesforce?

Why Do Companies Choose Salesforce?

Companies choose Salesforce: Get a complete view of your customers. Customize experiences, track journeys, analyze data, and issue accurate reports.

These are some of the objectives that make companies implement an intelligent and integrated management system, such as CRMs.

And speaking of CRM, Salesforce owns the number 1 software in the world, which makes its tools targeted by the largest companies in the market. According to data from Salesforce, there are more than 150,000 customers worldwide today. Customers who have businesses of all sizes benefit from the functionality of Salesforce systems in their operations.

With so many possibilities, Salesforce tools are a reference in the market. Companies that already use management systems know – and want – Salesforce functionalities.

However, organizations that do not yet know and do not use automation and business management tools may not have Salesforce as their first option. And the reasons are diverse. 

Lack of information, fears regarding investments and platform usability, implementation difficulties, and erroneous beliefs that solutions are exclusive to large companies. Finally, over more than a decade of activity in the market, serving clients from the most diverse areas and sizes, we have already heard all kinds of doubts and myths about Salesforce.

With that in mind, we gathered our customers’ most common doubts and questions and put together this article to clarify some important points about Salesforce and its powerful tools.

But After All, What Is Salesforce?

Salesforce is an American software company founded in 1999 that develops technological solutions to bring companies and consumers closer together.

In a very didactic way, Salesforce is an integrated CRM platform that provides a unique experience and a 360º view of the business with all the company’s departments.

Using the platform, the company can offer a personalized experience to its customers due to the possibilities and support that Salesforce tools offer.

We know that data is critical to the smooth running of any business. Therefore, having access to accurate information and factual data allows all departments to work together towards a common goal.

In practice, the marketing team can inform the sales team when a lead has the potential to become a customer, while the sales team can inform marketing that there have been contacts, and so on.

The company becomes more intelligent and integrated by knowing its consumer in-depth and understanding how he relates to it.

And Why Choose Salesforce?

Several advantages make companies hit the hammer with Salesforce when choosing an intelligent management system.

For starters, CRM is software, not hardware. Therefore, it is stored in the cloud and accessible to all company employees, who can access data and operate actions from anywhere.

It is also important to emphasize that the platform offers solutions that suit the needs of each business. This is because Salesforce comprises different tools, such as Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud, which can be implemented in a personalized way, meeting specific company criteria. 

Also, check out some of the differentials that make the platform so exceptional below:

  • Contrary to what one imagines, navigation in Salesforce tools is very friendly and intuitive, bringing ease of use in the day-to-day of the company;
  • With Sales Cloud (Salesforce’s sales CRM), the team can track the company’s business activities, including managing leads and their journeys. And this data provides powerful insights for the sales and marketing department to make more assertive decisions and operate strategies and actions necessary to achieve their goals;
  • Salesforce tools contribute to increasing the team’s productivity, improving the return on investment (ROI) and the company’s profitability;
  • Enable a more personalized and standardized service unit;
  • Repetitive and time-consuming tasks are streamlined by creating custom automation applications. Thus, it is possible to leverage actions and direct team activities;
  • Powerful insights with accessible reports and accurate lead and customer data
  • Interaction between teams and departments of the company. Assertive and uncomplicated communication;
  • And perhaps most important of all: personalization. With Salesforce tools, you can customize the entire experience, customer, and company.

With the use of Salesforce’s CRM, both small, medium, and large companies have unlimited support and possibilities of use.

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