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HomeMarketingWhich Social Networks To Choose To Promote Your Business

Which Social Networks To Choose To Promote Your Business

Nowadays, any company needs to be present on social networks to make its brand known and to create an audience to interact with it and to be able to maintain particular popularity. However, it is just as important to know each of these networks’ particularities to choose the one or those that will be best suited to your marketing strategy.


LinkedIn is the essential social network for any company. No. 1 in the world, it is widely used, especially in recruitment. It allows you to precisely search for a profile thanks to clear and practical visibility solutions. You will build an entire network around qualified contacts by starting with your contacts. In addition, LinkedIn allows the creation of a company page to promote your brand through its expertise and be able to redirect Internet users to your website, among other things. It is possible to create discussion groups, follow news feeds or be followed, and register for events. LinkedIn is also ideal for advertising campaigns thanks to different options such as e-mail, targeted ads and display.


Facebook is the largest social network globally, with nearly 1.8 billion users. Initially created to allow students to stay in touch, this platform is now intended for anyone wishing to communicate with those around them. Thanks to this strong notoriety, Facebook has developed tools to allow companies, organizations or celebrities to create their page and follow other users. In addition to having a large number of features for these pages, Facebook is a platform aimed at all sectors of activity, regardless of your publication frequency. You can share photos, videos, or other engaging content about your business. You can also give details of the prices of your products integrate a map, contact details, and schedules to be contacted quickly by users. Even if you don’t have a website, a well-informed Facebook business page will be an excellent portal to your brand. It is also possible to be sponsored by the platform to increase your visibility, although this solution is not free.


Unlike Facebook, Twitter publishes thumbnail content. With a maximum of 140 characters, you will post videos, images, links and create polls. This concise communication system is ideal for quickly exchanging with your users and ensuring your customer service with them. You will be quoted in their publications and respond directly to all their requests concerning your company. With a mention and hashtag system to list you in categories of words users search for, posts are often retweeted by others, allowing you to grow your audience. However, it is essential with Twitter to share content other than your own company, not to give your followers the impression that you are only interested in your profit. Twitter is more a communication platform between you and your users than a page to sell your business, like Facebook.


YouTube lets you view, upload, rate, comment, and share video content with over a billion users. Each user has a video channel to which others can subscribe to be informed of a new publication. Led by Google, YouTube offers the Google AdSense feature, allowing users to earn money based on the number of views per video. Many companies drive their channel with solid and creative interactive visual content, which is why the videos should be of high quality and well-conducted. YouTubers, people who regularly publish content and have a strong following on the web, will allow you to create partnerships to do product placement in their videos without creating your channel.


Owned by Facebook, Instagram is a mobile application that allows you to share photos and videos. Entirely based on an attractive visual, it targets food, art, travel and fashion in particular and offers unique filters to retouch photos. For this reason, your company must be able to provide engaging content that arouses the curiosity of the users of the application. A creative eye will be essential to ensure the success of your presence on this social network. Just like Twitter, you’ll need to find the hashtags that match your business so you can be easily found. Once your audience is built, you won’t need to deliver regular content.


Pinterest is the social platform for sharing creations par excellence. Often known for sharing DIY designs (do it yourself), it makes it possible to classify the different specialities shared on the site, which are called “pins” and which are pinned on classified “boards” by themes. This means that you can have multiple boards, such as cooking and photography, to pin items in those categories. The platform, very visual, does not require a strong presence. The themes of cooking, DIY, fashion, sport, beauty and photography are the most popular and mainly affect women. With the help of posting videos or photos, you can add details and even a map to locate your products. Depending on your goal,


Snapchat is also a visual social network but has the particularity of instantaneous. Your photo or video content will disappear 10 seconds after it is read or 24 hours if it is published on your feed. The mobile application has a chat, messaging, the ability to save images, events and other media content. With more than 150 million users, this application is fashionable and reaches a particularly young clientele who are invested in the use. With its temporary publications, you will be less on the lookout for a perfect journal, which will allow you to act more spontaneously. You will also see how many and what type of followers have seen your story published.

With these many social networks available, you can contact your customers to maintain links and inform them of all your news. Even more, you will make your brand known and attract new customers. To choose the network that best suits you, think about those that will be the most appropriate for your sector of activity to publish regular and quality content.

Also Read: WhatsApp Business: What Is It Suitable For?

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