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HomeBusinessOnline Marketing As An Opportunity For Small Companies

Online Marketing As An Opportunity For Small Companies

Digitization, big data and social media marketing: New trends meet modern technologies in the advertising industry. The broad and increasingly fragmented approach to customers may initially seem confusing and overwhelming.

The opportunities to advertise on the Internet are ideal for the self-employed, freelancers and small companies. Most advertising options are inexpensive compared to traditional marketing, although not free. Because they often take a lot of time. But small companies usually only have limited money and time. Therefore, online marketing for these companies must be very efficient, have as little wastage as possible, and, of course, do without expensive experts, at least not in the long term.

However, when used correctly, it can help companies generate noticeably more sales in the face of saturated markets. It is essential that the individual instruments not be used separately but should always represent a mix. There is no one right strategy, one right measure. And above all, there are no ready-made solutions that fit every company.

Every company is individual and has its strategy. I always focus on measures that can be implemented within a certain period and do not exceed the budget. Of course, it sometimes requires a certain amount of investment, for example, for a website relaunch with extensive technical refinements.

Target Group-Oriented Marketing

Media channels, user habits and end devices are becoming more and more diverse in the age of digitization – the customer journey is no longer linear but highly individual. Therefore, every moment that customers experience in connection with a brand counts. In addition to convincing sales arguments, proper marketing is critical. It is essential to identify your target group precisely, address it, and tie it emotionally to your brand.

One of the most significant advantages of digital advertising measures is their extensive reach. In addition, there is the possibility of using digital marketing strategies to address specific target groups precisely. There are numerous tools for measuring and analyzing the digital marketing measures used – the result is particularly low wastage. Every company can benefit from these valuable resources – as long as their positioning is clearly outlined. After all, the target group in the offline area is not necessarily the same as the target group in the online site. Therefore, a picture of the company that is drawn as realistically as possible is at the beginning of every online marketing strategy.

Combine Different Advertising Strategies

The cornerstone of online marketing is an attractive and user-friendly website. In second place is search engine optimization for a good Google ranking – so that the website can also be found without any problems. After all, search engines are necessary interfaces between the company and the target group. Companies can also reach their customers directly with an excellent social media marketing mix: high-quality content and regularly updated information promote interaction – and underline valuable company attributes such as transparency, proximity and credibility. The same applies to a visually appealing email newsletter: Companies can regularly send free information about attractive offers and new products directly to their target group’s inbox – which significantly reduces the scatter effect and motivates customers to visit the actual website. Interactive concepts such as quizzes or surveys can also drive traffic to the company website. This is how an efficient, two-stage process succeeds: The first phase of traffic generation is followed by a – in the best case profitable – call-to-action.

Other online strategies such as responsive design, blog marketing for business and brand monitoring are becoming increasingly crucial in ongoing digitization. These strategies have one thing in common: They should present the company successfully on the market, reach the target group directly and improve individual customer loyalty. Ideally, online strategies can also open up new sales channels and customer groups, which benefits brand awareness. The excellent news: Thanks to the low use of resources, these strategies can also be easily implemented by small and medium-sized companies.

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