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HomeTechnologyTop 10: Best No Code Software And Tools

Top 10: Best No Code Software And Tools

With the evolution of no code platforms, various software and tools have been created to help startups create websites and applications without hiring professional developers.

See below 10 of the most used no-code tools on the market:

Website Creation

1- Webflow: it has an intuitive platform with CMS functionality. It is ideal for beginners who want to create advanced websites.

2- Squarespace: differs in some aspects from Webflow. It offers less advanced features, but it also has a vast library, which makes it easy to create websites and send email campaigns.

3- Bubble: allows the creation of any website or application and brings an excellent database. It is widely used in developing marketplaces, SaaS, social networks and PWAs.


4- Aeratable: an advanced version of google spreadsheet and an excellent database without code. Allows the organization of data in rows and columns and the generation of spreadsheets from the data.

5 – Zapier: automated workflows, integrating the apps you usually use in your routine. This way, you can focus on the tasks that require more attention, letting the tool do the work.

App Development

6- Glide: this platform allows the creation of an app from data collected from a Google spreadsheet.

7- Adalo: unlike Glide, Adalo offers you many other possibilities for customization based on the data you enter in a common spreadsheet.

8 – Xeno: this tool promises security and structure to build the backend of your apps. Its differential is in its scalable server and flexible database.

9 – AppGyver: is the first professional no-code platform. Its advantage is the simplicity when building the application while presenting results with high professionalism.

10 – Flutter Flow: designed to develop apps for Android and iOS. It is ideal for those who don’t want to create something from scratch, as it has a complete set of templates to use.

Low Code: Learn How Platforms Can Drive Technological Evolution

A growing trend in the information technology sector, low-code platforms have emerged to bring about a real digital transformation in business. By establishing themselves as powerful tools to accelerate and simplify software development processes, they have become allies of small and large companies and the world of programming.

With low code, the developer market opens up a range of new possibilities and opportunities as it allows focusing on business-related challenges, ensuring good practices for creating software.

In addition, adopting these revolutionary platforms facilitates the evolution and integration of different technological solutions.

Still, in terms of practicality and ease, they enable the transition of different profiles to the IT team to develop strategic applications, allowing more people to build rich and complex solutions in partnership with the developers.

In a scenario where software development professionals are increasingly scarce in demand, low code allows people from other areas with minimal knowledge to migrate to this market and become great developers.

Even with the exponential increase in complexity and speed related to the advancement of new technologies in recent years, low code helps companies’ IT teams to minimize technological challenges and focus on business value.

To venture into the low-code world, on-duty developers can and should look for market-leading solutions. Many of them even offer their academy and certification programs.

It is also worth noting that, as low-code platforms are facilitating tools, the main skills for IT professionals and other people who wish to delve deeper into the area must revolve around a good understanding of the business need, logical reasoning, solution, search for evolution in their knowledge and communication.

How Does Low Code Enable Design-Ops?

As organizations are pressured to launch more applications or systems to meet the demands of their customers, at the same time, it is necessary to ensure the aesthetic standard of the developments; that is, they need to manage the design at scale, guaranteeing the high performance and focus of the teams on their digital products, without running out of infrastructure.

In this sense, the Design (UI / UX) or Design-Ops professional, which precedes DevOps activities – a methodology that uses communication to integrate the developer and IT infrastructure professionals, gains an arm with the Design Systems carried out from the low-code. This is because the low-code tool makes the aesthetic approach interactive and automatic so that it is not necessary to program commonly used designs, which speeds up the entire creation process and makes the developer gain more agility.

That said, the automation of design processes takes place within the low-code system. For example, Fiori, SAP’s design system, is automated in low-code software to create applications around the German developer’s systems without the need to implement its design guidelines; that is, the cost of implementing Sophisticated design developments is minimized with an integrated design system.

Other graphic systems, such as Sketch, Firm and Adobe XD, can also be included in low-code. In addition, it is possible to adapt the Design System of the organizations according to the needs; everything will depend on the choice of the low-code partner. The automation in the “bring your own design” model can be modified in real-time without the need to generate, save or compile the edit and is one of the most innovative because the professional can work with a design tool of his choice and then import the which was done automatically. Thus, the application evolves as it is created.

Also Read: Know What Digital Transformation Is And Its Impact

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