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HomeMarketingMarket Intelligence Makes The Company More Competitive

Market Intelligence Makes The Company More Competitive

Regardless of the operating segment, investing in market intelligence puts your company in better conditions with customers and competition.

It is a valuable tool in conducting business, seeking results, and supporting decisions.   Achieving the planned results and occupying a prominent place in the market requires a careful definition of your target audience and a deep study of the reality and trends of the segment in your field of activity.

Given this scenario, it is essential to know the strategies and positioning of your competitors in the market.

It can help you better understand your competition, create effective strategic models, and seek data to make better decisions. It brings a series of knowledge to manage your business more assertively. Want to know how? 

Why Take An MBA In Market Intelligence?

Our course offers you the possibility to improve your skills both in business management and in matters related to market intelligence.

In other words, at the same time, you develop a critical and systemic view of business management and learn how market intelligence can increase the quality with which this management is carried out.

In this way, you delved into topics such as principles of competitive analysis, vital competitive maneuvers, the influence of competitive advantages on competitor analysis, and competitive moves and expected reactions.

In addition, methods for competitive analysis and practical monitoring tools are worked on.

Also, the course allows you to better understand the objectives and types of market research, in addition to pointing out the main mistakes in qualitative and quantitative analysis.

To top it off, you also learn how to perform more appropriate assessments of the results of these surveys and apply them to your company’s competitive intelligence strategies.

Intelligence That Complete Each Other

It is a complete course; after all, it deepens the concepts of market intelligence and competitive intelligence, remembering that both are very relevant to the management of your business but have different characteristics.

While the focus of competitive intelligence is on competition and the company’s competitiveness, seeking to understand the performance of other companies in the segment, on the other hand, market intelligence is focused on consumer behavior to understand how the context develops when around you.

The two types of intelligence work in a complementary way; however, as the focuses are different, the results obtained and the use of the information will serve to create different types of strategies.

In addition to all the points already mentioned in this article, you also improve your knowledge about the Marketing Information system — or simply YES — and the importance of applying it in your company.

Featured Professionals

The MBA Business Management: Market Intelligence especially welcomes professionals who want to update themselves and strengthen their skills in the more technical part of market intelligence and business management.

Based on all this knowledge, the main objective of the course is for you to enrich the way you communicate your market intelligence recommendations to the various areas of the organization for more assertive decision-making in the face of competition.

Another frequent audience is those who work with data analysis and whose main challenge is to attribute meaning to such data, transforming them into information and knowledge — thus positively impacting decision-making in companies and positioning in front of the competition.

Companies and professionals must constantly reinvent themselves to stand out in the business world. Thus, it is necessary to implement mechanisms for monitoring and analyzing your target audience, operating segment, and the economic market as a whole. In this sense, market intelligence is increasingly strategic for a company’s competitive positioning. 

In this article, you will learn a little more about the application of market intelligence to competitiveness in the business world. Good reading! 

Market Intelligence And Decision Making

Market intelligence is an area that relies on data and information to support business decision-making.

It is a strategic field that is increasingly evident in the current scenario. This is explained by the fact that data generation is a reality for companies of any niche and size.

In other words, currently, the high amount of information generated comes from the most diverse environments, such as social networks or CRM (Customer Relationship Management), from which beneficial information can be collected to define strategies and the decision-making process.

What Does Market Intelligence Analyze?

Market intelligence professionals must have a micro and a macro view of the universe in which their company operates.

For example, in the previous topic, we refer to the data generated from customer relationships via social networks and CRM.

Of course, analyzing this data is crucial for market intelligence, but it should not be restricted to the behavior and response of customers to the products and services offered.

Organizations must broaden their attention to several other factors that involve the company to gain a competitive advantage.

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