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HomeMarketingIs Selling Via WhatsApp A Good Idea?

Is Selling Via WhatsApp A Good Idea?

Is selling via WhatsApp a good idea? This is a common question for anyone who runs a business; the more sales channels available, the greater the chances of selling. 

But answering this question: according to WhatsApp data, more than two billion users in more than 180 countries use the platform to keep in touch with friends and family.

Data is critical in any marketing strategy, as it helps make bold decisions and guides us in actions that are more consistent with the business context.

And the advantages of using the platform as a sales channel are numerous. Check out some:

  1. The cost-benefit is excellent for companies, especially SMEs, which often do not have the budget to create e-commerce or maintain a robust customer service team;
  2. The platform allows for closer relationships with customers. The entire sales process can be done in a lighter and faster way;
  3. WhatsApp generates essential data about customers that can be measured and sent to a company’s CRM tool; 
  4. It can be integrated into other applications and tools, which can help further optimize the company’s results, such as Marketing Cloud.

How To Use The Tool To Sell?

As we explained earlier, WhatsApp needs to be treated with the same importance and relevance as any other sales channel. After all, just because the application allows for more direct communication with the consumer does not mean we should neglect it or treat it as ‘less severe.

To sell on WhatsApp, you need to understand that the consumer is – probably – the same one who would reach your company through e-commerce or another sales channel. Therefore, he expects a quality, efficient and intuitive service, as he would have in other communication channels with the company.

In addition, it is essential to have your strategies for the platform. Sharing punctual messages and photos on WhatsApp and waiting for the magic to happen is not very smart and probably won’t bear much fruit.

Planning must be personalized in each business, as each company has a consumer profile. Therefore, strategies that pump one brand may not affect another. The exciting thing is always to be aware of your customer’s signals and use and abuse the data.

The entire WhatsApp sales process will help build your customers’ journey and, thus, can give powerful insights to the commercial team. Below are some tips that can help you better structure your strategies. Check out:

1 – First Contact

WhatsApp is a great communication channel to make the first contact with the lead, as it allows a more dynamic, fast, and instantaneous approach. However, be careful and try not to be inconvenient. 

The salesperson must evaluate the best time to approach the customer but never insist on a sale. The choice of your company and product is up to the consumer. If he’s interested, the deal will go through. Remember: insistence can alienate the audience.

2 – Share News 

Who doesn’t like to know what’s going on out there? Therefore, Whatsapp can be an excellent channel to spread the news about your company. Use stories and broadcast lists to share new products, services, promotions, and coupons. 

3 – After-Sales Are As Important As The Sale

Have you ever had a situation where the sale was excellent, but you had some problem with the product and didn’t have the necessary support from the company? Did you – or would you – go shopping with her again? Probably not, right?

This is because, more important than selling, is providing good after-sales service as well. Remember: selling to a customer is easier and cheaper than acquiring a new one. Maintain a good relationship and make yourself available to your audience.

4 – Metrics For The Channel 

There are several communication channels to approach your customers, such as email, SMS, phone, and social networks. Today, the possibilities are diverse. But what is the best channel? The truth is that there are no good or bad channels, and yes, the ideal medium for your company.

Therefore, measuring results and measuring WhatsApp performance metrics is essential. Perhaps, the platform may not be delivering as many results as it could – or as you expect – and then it’s time to re-evaluate strategies and understand what can be tweaked.

5 – Training For The Team 

When contacting via WhatsApp, the service script needs to be differentiated from other channels, such as email or telephone. This is because the platform allows for more direct and organic communication with the public. 

The idea is to maintain a balance: not so much formality and not so much informality. The middle ground is always a good option for a more humanized and light service, but with the seriousness of those representing the company at that moment.

6 – Offer Relevant Content

An excellent tip to take advantage of WhatsApp as a sales tool is to offer quality content about your company’s product or service. 

As we say, try to create a broadcast list and offer relevant content to prospects and customers to strengthen their relationships.

How about a summary of your latest blog post? Or pictures of the new product? Show the audience the fit (in the case of clothes), ideas on combining the pieces, and different uses. Add value to your business.

7-Create A Sales Campaign For WhatsApp

A WhatsApp campaign can involve significant actions, but it can also have a more apparent bias, like a sales letter, but thought of strategically. Ideally, use persuasive language and exciting content to send to customers. Try to highlight the differentials and characteristics of your product or service. 

8 – Avoid Unwanted Spam

Avoid sending spam or unwanted content. This will cause the customer to block contact with the company or lose interest in the product or service. 

As we have seen, WhatsApp is an excellent tool and can significantly contribute to increasing your company’s sales. Just use it strategically and understand that planning is necessary for any business.

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