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HomeArtificial IntelligenceHow To Use AI To Optimize Your Management

How To Use AI To Optimize Your Management

Artificial intelligence(AI) has left the field of science fiction films for actual use and application in increasingly widespread technologies in companies, progressively modifying the way work is known.

The use of computers that analyze immense amounts of data or algorithms capable of producing efficient customer service conversations is already a reality that increasingly optimizes business processes in the most varied segments.

According to artificial intelligence guru and Google consultant Ray Kurzweil, in 2029, we will see computers with cognitive performance similar to humans. But this does not mean that jobs will be lost to machines, but that professionals need to update and learn more about the subject. Want to understand what artificial intelligence is and optimizing business processes? Keep up with us!

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

The reality in which humans and machines can rationalize and perform similar functions is no longer a distant futuristic movie scenario, as artificial intelligence has become the newest stage in technological evolution. It is a data-driven technology that simulates the human learning process and decision-making ability that previously could not be made.

AI can make predictions based on data analyzed by neural networks, machine learning, processing information from previous education, and other techniques. This method is even close to how the human brain learns since we receive and process information to acquire knowledge.

How Important Is Artificial Business Intelligence?

The use of technology has become increasingly present in the business world, and artificial intelligence has a lot to add, especially about projects’ productivity, agility, and effectiveness. The consultancy Gartner states that 30% of all B2B companies are already adopting artificial intelligence tools to optimize at least one of the steps in the sales process.

And those who are starting now are coming ahead with optimistic projections for the coming years, as the same study points out that by 2025 those who use AI in their multichannel engagement platforms will increase operational efficiency by up to 25%.

It is present in several sectors, whether in customer service with chatbots, in the financial industry with data analysis and processing, or in the human resources area with increasingly efficient and accurate tests on which candidate is most by the company’s profile.

Applicability of AI In The Present And Future Of Business

The fact is that process optimization using artificial intelligence is here to stay, as the number of companies that have implemented AI has grown by 270% since 2015, according to North American consultancy Gartner.

Some business owners worry about changing jobs because of artificial intelligence – and yes, they will! But that doesn’t mean that people will lose jobs to “robots,” but that technology will change how work is known today.

This is also how management and technology specialist David Dias thinks, who spoke a little about the future of work and AI in the podcast’s episode Artificial Intelligence x Humans. The trend is that intelligent machines can assume repetitive functions to have skills such as creativity, empathy, and critical judgment better used.

Artificial intelligence offers several solutions to companies of any segment, with the management of corporate content through a digital platform, aid in making bold strategic decisions and optimizing the time of managers and employees. Check out some practical ways of applying artificial intelligence in business:

Using Chatbots For Customer Service

Chatbots are already a widespread tool in customer service. They rely on artificial intelligence to understand the requested demands and engage the customer with personalized and humanized service.

This type of service is usually done by virtual assistants who have a personality built according to the image that the company wants to convey. This AI tool improves the customer’s relationship with the brand and optimizes service.

Chatbots are available 24 hours a day, which increases productivity in the customer service sector, making it more efficient and assertive. They can be used on websites, software, social networks, and applications. 

Data Analysis And Forecasts

Data analysis has become more efficient with the use of artificial intelligence. Using this technology, it is possible to cross-reference data and generate strategic information through analysis systems and high-precision forecasts.

In addition, the use of AI minimizes information errors, as it is possible to gather a large amount of data, such as information from customers, suppliers, and much more.

Processes Management

There are already some platforms that use artificial intelligence to automate and manage internal business processes. They can be used according to the business segment.

For example, the Abatis platform offers process automation to healthcare companies with access to documents scanned by the electronic medical record system to integrate all hospital management efficiently.

Artificial intelligence also allows the generation of indicators in real-time, captures multichannel documents with automatic data extraction, and uses certification and digital signature tools.

Technology has become an ally of business, and advances such as artificial intelligence only make processes more and more optimized. That’s why it’s essential to always be up to date with innovations and use the best tools to improve your company’s productivity.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence: Implicit Knowledge

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