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HomeCyberSecurityDiscover The 4 Most Common Cyber Risks In Companies

Discover The 4 Most Common Cyber Risks In Companies

Cyber Risks: The market is making strides toward complete digital transformation. With the incredible benefits of technologies, many companies are significantly increasing the quality of their results and achieving success more efficiently.

Therefore, the issue of data security has become a critical issue, even more so when considering the primary cyber risks. Several scams and malicious procedures can compromise the operation of a company that depends on technology for its activities. Therefore, it is essential to know the main risks to avoid them and ensure the integrity of your data.

In this text, we separate 4 main cyber risks in companies for you to learn how to protect your business. Check out!

Password Attack

Password attack is a prevalent method used by cybercriminals. To do this, the attacker tries to guess or crack the passwords and gain access to the system. This practice can occur in several ways, such as through “brute force of trial and error”.

In this method, a program runs infinite times until it guesses the user’s password — even if it takes some time. Another practice widely used for this attack is through keyloggers, which serve to capture all the keystrokes typed by the user and then steal their passwords.

To deal with this type of problem, it is essential to have a login system that blocks the user’s access if they get the password wrong after a few attempts. In addition, investing in protection software, such as antivirus and firewalls, is an excellent alternative to avoid machine contamination.


Another hazardous cyber risk is malware. They are infected files that facilitate the invasion of cybercriminals in various ways, such as by remotely accessing machines or monitoring their actions. Furthermore, malware is also responsible for sending confidential data from computers.

However, this method has a significant flaw: it relies solely on users’ errors to infect a computer. For this, it is essential to strengthening its cybersecurity culture to make employees aware of best practices in preventing intrusions and data leakage.


Phishing is a significant cyber risk, especially for companies with multiple employees. Here, the attacker will try to appear as someone trusted by the victims, such as an acquaintance or some public body. 

In this way, they create a tempting or urgent subject so that people do not have time to reflect on the content, which piques potential victims’ curiosity. Open an attached file or access a link for the victim to have their machine infected.

Typically, phishing uses email as a method of communicating with potential victims. However, in some cases, attackers opt for alternatives such as SMS. Therefore, always be suspicious of any content, especially spam.


Ransomware is a version of malware that, instead of just stealing data from computers, creates an encrypted version of all information stored on the machine. As a result, users cannot use the computer or access any file.

It works as a kind of virtual kidnapping. When infecting a machine, payment will be demanded to ransom the data. Because it involves advanced encryption, it is impossible to revert machines to their pre-infection state.

Ready! Now that you know the primary cyber risks, you can start planning more efficient ways to protect your assets and ensure your operations are running.

What Are The Benefits Of Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability management is critical to ensuring data security in your business. In addition, it also brings benefits to day-to-day business. Check out the main ones.

Fixing Security Flaws

Having a specialized team is the best way to manage vulnerabilities correctly. From there, it is possible to correct flaws in your system that cybercriminals could use to steal or leak sensitive information about your business.

Better Use Of Time And Resources

One of the biggest highlights of vulnerability management is its ability to improve time savings and resource usage within the enterprise. With good planning, your IT team won’t need to spend hours checking reports for failures.

Thus, they will be able to direct their efforts only to the items that demand attention, gaining more time to develop other essential activities in the work routine.

Cost Reduction

Some believe that vulnerability management can bring losses to cash. Reality is very different from this belief. The truth is that this practice can bring a considerable cost reduction to the company when properly applied.

Having more security in your systems and ensuring the protection of your data prevents legal liability in any malicious event. With this, you eliminate the expenses that this type of process involves, avoiding financial losses and impacts on the company’s image.

Also Read: Cybersecurity: The Importance Of Protecting Systems And Data

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