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HomeDigital Marketing6 Digital Marketing Myths You've Surely Heard Of

6 Digital Marketing Myths You’ve Surely Heard Of

As much as the term digital marketing has gained visibility in recent years, there are still many doubts about its natural benefits.

And along with these doubts come many theories of what works vs. what doesn’t. Many people don’t understand that there are several strategies and tools within digital marketing. Each of them can be used in different ways, according to the needs of the business.

It’s common to see companies complaining that digital marketing doesn’t work, but they also can’t say why it didn’t work. And so myths arise, of the most diverse natures, that put the efficiency of digital marketing in check.

Here we list 6 digital marketing myths that you must have come across at some point. Please get to know each of them and understand what a tale is and what is relevant.

Myths Of Digital Marketing

Myths About Content Marketing

The first and most common digital marketing myth is related to content marketing. One of the main mistakes is to think that content marketing is talking about your company. Content marketing is a methodology that focuses on your consumer, not your company.

This strategy aims to educate and retain your audience, being a source of authority and credibility within a particular market niche. In this way, in the medium and long term, your company will be able to influence the purchase decision of people who trust your company’s authority. And finally, turn them into customers.

Another misconception is that to do content marketing, create a blog. Of course, blogging is a virtual channel for your business, but content marketing goes far beyond having a blog. It is also possible to create content for other media such as social networks, email marketing, videos, and podcasts.

Confusing Content Marketing with Inbound Marketing is another widespread mistake. Although they are complementary methodologies, it does not mean that they are synonymous. Content is part of the concept of Inbound Marketing, which uses Content Marketing to attract, nurture and add value to the persona outlined for your business.

Myths About Social Media

Many companies believe that the more followers they have on social media, the more successful their business is. However, in this case, quantity does not necessarily mean quality. Having thousands of fans or followers is the most important metric for your digital business.

Having followers may even show particular popularity, but are these potential consumers? Are they potential influencers of your brand? Do they generate effective business for your company? If you don’t have these answers, it’s time to reevaluate your social media presence. To ensure success with your audience on social media, define your persona, find out what she likes to consume on social media, and offer personalized content so that your publications reach these people.

Another common misconception is that being on all social networks is the best strategy. It is essential to keep in mind that social media have different goals, and users behave differently on each one. A type of content that works well in one may not be so well accepted in another.

Myths About Sponsored Links And Paid Media

You may have heard someone say that it’s not worth investing in sponsored links or that someone has already invested and had no results. Whenever I hear something like this, I ask myself: but what did this person do wrong to not get results?

Media buying is one of the few digital marketing strategies that bring very expressive results in the short term. The process is straightforward, define the offer, create the campaign (within the media’s advertising policies), make the payment, that’s it! Thousands will see your movement of people.

When you stop investing in sponsored links or social ads, you stop reaching a large part of the audience that will find you organically, neither on Google nor social networks. Yes, it is also possible to advertise on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, among other media.

Myths About Conversion Optimization (CRO)

First of all, it is essential to emphasize that CRO is not a list of best practices that you have to follow to succeed. There is no magic formula capable of optimizing every type of strategy. To optimize, it is necessary to study, experiment, and test several factors that can influence your user’s conversion.

Then you ask me: Oh! So start doing tests every day, and I’ll optimize my campaigns? Well, that’s not how things work. It is essential to test strategies, but it is necessary to plan the experiments and know precisely which points will be analyzed to apply the optimizations effectively.

Email Marketing Myths

How often have you heard “email marketing is dead” or “no one reads email anymore.” But think with me, everyone has email. When it’s not personal, it’s professional. You need an email to shop online, register and receive eBooks, and even create a Facebook account; people need an email. So why believe that people don’t use emails anymore?

It is also wrong to think that email marketing is only for selling. It is clear that email marketing is indeed a powerful sales channel, and it is common to present a higher ROI even when investing in paid media. But for companies that have more complex sales, email is a powerful relationship and lead nurturing tool. Using email marketing with quality content, it is possible to plan strategies that allow the lead to advance in the shopping journey and thus effectively become a customer.

Myths About Marketing Automation

Marketing automation will still replace the role of salespeople. Have you heard this one? But no, marketing automation does not replace the salesperson. In many cases, the customer can even be self-sufficient in their online purchases when we talk about retail. But for B2-B businesses, things are a bit different.

B2B customer purchase journeys are longer and harder on impulse. In these cases, Inbound attracts and offers the product, and automation plays the role of nurturing and relating to potential customers. And finally, when the lead is enabled and ready to be approached, the salesperson’s role is fundamental. The salesperson will understand the absolute need for the information and direct the option that best fits his needs.

Also Read: Six Steps Of Digital Marketing Planning

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