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HomeTechnologyInternet Of Things: Do You Know What It Is?

Internet Of Things: Do You Know What It Is?

Internet of Things: Digital transformation is everywhere. It impacts people’s personal and professional lives, linking systems and processes to make tasks easier.

In addition, it employs intelligent systems to automate functions and allow people to focus on other issues and be supervisors of technologies.

The most relevant keywords are Big Data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. The latter, also called IoT, is revolutionizing connectivity in various environments and should gain even more momentum with the emergence of 5G.

To continue to understand more about the transformation, it is essential to know about each of these technologies and the know-how they relate to each other. In this article, we will talk about the Internet of Things. Come on?

What Is The Internet Of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT or Internet of Things ) is a set of objects connected wirelessly through a network such as the Internet. The “things” in the name refers to standard everyday components that gain computational power thanks to sensors, actuators, and chips coupled together to generate communication.

These components make it possible to establish connectivity between computers, cell phones, and other objects in an environment, with data transfer between them. In this distributed computing architecture, things collect data and send it to a control center, which processes these raw inputs to generate helpful and valuable information.

This center allows the administration of small devices remotely. IoT is so beneficial for applications that need to challenge geographic barriers and offer greater control to managers.

IoT devices generate a sea of ​​data that integrates Big Data. They correspond to this concept because they are produced in real-time and at high speed, despite presenting a specific structure and objective. In other words, for the Internet of Things ecosystem to work, it is necessary to have a robust storage and processing structure.

In this sense, we can connect this innovation with the idea of ​​cloud computing, another great protagonist of digital transformation. The cloud offers a complex architecture to ensure communication between the numerous connected objects without the danger of jitter and high latency.

Therefore, 5G also promises to be crucial for the Internet of Things. The new communication standard should bring more speed, more support for numerous components on a network, and less latency for data transfer. It will be easier and less costly for companies to invest in this technological trend to boost their digital transformation projects.

What’s The Point?

One of the great highlights of the IoT — like other vital technologies of our times — is its versatility. In other words, any business niche can reap the rewards from applying this innovation, and we see numerous success stories emerge, with increased profitability, cost reduction, and operational efficiency.

Thus, it is difficult to limit the purpose of the Internet of Things to one point or another. We have a vast range of goals, which vary according to the specific needs of customers and users. These innovations empower these companies, strengthen their autonomy, and enable considerable improvements in their context.

One of the most common purposes of IoT is tracking objects and things. In retail, for example, following products in stock. In industry, the tracking of elements and inputs on the factory floor. Logistics could be tracking goods in distribution centers and even on transport routes.

With the installation of sensors in these items, there is a constant transfer of data and communication with the central, usually located inside the company. Thus, it is possible to monitor what is happening at a distance and find, geographically, what you are looking for.

Monitoring is used for problem prevention purposes as well. For example, in an industrial application that has gained its acronym (IIoT or Industrial Internet of Things), it is possible to monitor machines with sensors and predict failures to carry out predictive and intelligent maintenance. In this way, operational bottlenecks and the stoppage of operations are avoided with predictability.

In specific sectors, such as agriculture, optimizing planting by collecting data on soil, temperature, humidity, and wind direction stands out. This data is generated by the wirelessly connected devices and processed by the switch.

In marketing, tracking solutions with beacons are used to identify when a consumer is geographically approaching the store. From this discovery, the company can trigger messages inviting the customer to check out the products, for example, or buy with an exclusive promotion.

Still, the IoT strengthens the control and monitoring of used resources in the industry. Natural resources, such as water and electricity, are managed with sensors. Actuators can perform actions, such as turning off specific equipment to ensure waste reduction when there is no need for use.

How To Apply The Concept?

As we saw earlier, the Internet of Things is a highly versatile trend. Thus, the application in a specific context depends on analyzing business conditions and needs.

So if you want to start implementing this technology, begin with a diagnosis of what you need. Understand what the current bottlenecks and issues are and where exactly they are. Thus, you will be able to arrive at a customized solution that generates good results.

Next, it is interesting to think about the infrastructural needs. As mentioned in the first topic, the IoT demands a series of vital resources for its operation. In this light, it is essential to evaluate its current internal structure and verify what is missing to arrive at a scenario that supports this innovation. From this verification, the company will be able to decide what to hire or buy.

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