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HomeBusinessHow Power BI Powers Business Decisions

How Power BI Powers Business Decisions

Power BI: Have you ever stopped assessing the number of information companies handle daily? Over time, this number increases considerably, making control in electronic spreadsheets practically unfeasible.

Organizations need to focus on the results of their core activities without spending hours and hours looking for information in tables, papers or other sources of consultation.

That’s where we want to go: to solve this demand, here comes Power BI, a Microsoft tool that organizes data in a simple, agile and intelligent way.

What Is Power BI?

Power BI is a Microsoft solution focused on the concept of Business Intelligence to collect, treat and organize an organization’s data. From there, the proper interpretation of large volumes of information is guaranteed.

The platform evaluates and visualizes data to support corporate decisions. As such, it connects data using a unified and scalable application for enterprise and self-service BI (Business Intelligence), helping the user to gain deeper insights into the data.

One of the tool’s differentials is that it transforms data into something visual, coherent and with metrics, consolidating information found in different sources, such as Excel and cloud files.

In other words, Power BI is a data analysis application that combines different software, apps and connectors to cross references from various sources and convert them into specific and coherent information. 

Why Does Power BI Improve Decision-Making?

When deciding or closing a commercial deal, what do you rely on: past data or guesswork and hope? For the sake of your company, we hope you are the first choice! It is impossible to sell, buy, sign contracts, modify processes, and increase or decrease the staff, among many other tasks, based on specific information or wishful thinking that everything works out.

Good management needs solid elements to deal with rapid market changes, ensuring better decisions for the business. In this sense, Power BI is the tool that will support your deliberations, helping the company’s development and success.

This is possible because the application is part of a reliable and versatile system that connects to content saved in the cloud, such as Google Analytics, Sales Force, Facebook and Mailchimp. Together, the tools add dynamism to the work routine and contribute to the immediate solution of corporate issues.

Power BI offers some advantages for business management as an application that integrates several others developed by Microsoft.

Let’s go to them:

Data Visualization

Analyzing data is a complex task; you need to understand the whole to get to the details. When working with isolated tools, with each providing a reference and little or no interaction, the final diagnosis will likely not be as satisfactory as expected.

Power BI brings the best of both worlds: statistics and interactivity. This is because the software makes it easier to interpret the data, as it allows the visualization and cross-referencing of data on different platforms.

That way, if you sell a particular product to several countries, for example, it’s easier to compare by accessing the map with the sales data for the last quarter. It is still possible to open the information by continent and even by country, if necessary. 

This visualization contributes to more assertive decision-making, allowing the manager to see each region’s opportunities and vulnerabilities more clearly.

Achieving Good Results

Misinterpretation of data is more common than we think – and can be fatal to the business. How many examples do we have of organizations that failed to analyze information and then had to pay high financial and image losses?

As a tool that analyzes data from other systems, Microsoft’s Power BI dramatically reduces the chances of failures, which become almost non-existent. Thus, the probability of achieving optimal results is increased.

Allows Better Experience In The Data Processing

Power BI does not behave like other platforms when faced with much information. It processes data faster and without the difficulties presented by other solutions.

In this way, the system allows the user to obtain data insights, transforming them into concrete actions for decision-making. This is only possible thanks to custom features capable of creating dashboards and charts that help companies better understand the market.

Power BI is the platform of the moment, being used by countless organizations in Brazil and around the world, not only for making reliable analyses but also for having resources that keep data safe. Some examples are the sensitivity label, end-to-end encryption and real-time access monitoring.

Also Read: The Power Of Google Calendar For Your Business

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