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HomeAppsApp In The Cloud: Find Out What This Trend Is!

App In The Cloud: Find Out What This Trend Is!

App in the Cloud: They need significant application development for a specific infrastructure, configured so that they can run normally.

That is, IT teams needed developers focused on functionality and specialized in taking care of servers and the operating environment.

This model needs to be updated because it represents too many costs and responsibilities for IT, generating inefficiency and production bottlenecks.

To avoid this and support scalability and speed of implementation, there is a tendency to create apps in the cloud, which we will detail in this article. Follow!

What Is Server Less Computing?

To understand how cloud applications work, we need to ground a concept: server less computing. This paradigm is seen as the future of the cloud and is very important in explaining the evolution of this technology.

In the development of traditional systems, IT resources were acquired in an estimated way, with prior planning of what might be needed. However, managers often paid for what they weren’t using because demand had dropped or the components weren’t enough for a sudden increase in demand.

Furthermore, the internal team was responsible for coding and maintaining the servers online, their updates, and security. The sector was full of responsibilities and attributions, which resulted in operational problems that delayed deliveries and affected productivity.

The cloud emerged and evolved into a modern format for all these variables. Resources and computational power are offered as a service, with simple costs and the possibility of scaling whenever necessary. Soon after, server less computing was presented as an even more robust innovation, with one application being systems development.

Server Less Model 

In this new standard, the customer purchases the IT infrastructure service on which they can run their apps. He only needs to worry about small features, coding, and strategy, while the provider is responsible for managing, provisioning, and maintaining the servers. 

In the infrastructure-as-a-service model, the customer has to manage the application, the code, and the operating system, among other issues. In the platform-as-a-service model, only the code and the application are. In server less computing, only the code functions.

In this way, the technology sector of companies is more balanced and can better contribute to the company and other departments. Management only pays for what it consumes and can make changes anytime.

What Are The Benefits?

Next, let’s learn the main benefits of server less computing and app development in the cloud.


The main factor is the aggregate savings since the company will not have to bear unnecessary, complex, and disorganized costs – it will only have to invest a specific fee for what is used. That is, this cost is easily controllable, ensuring smarter budget and resource management.

Instead of taking care of a complex infrastructure of servers, with expenses for maintenance, updating, accessories, and labor, the management has to deal with a defined and simple price. This helps streamline the monthly balance sheet and enables investment in other company areas.

Flexibility And Scalability

Another interesting advantage is flexibility, which generates the ability to scale whenever necessary. Since they don’t have to deal with equipment in-house, the team can change whenever needed to meet their customers’ demands and improve productivity.

Likewise, the choice of technologies in development is open to the teams, which generates several possibilities and allows new tools to be used to solve problems.

When the demand for implementation increases, management can acquire more infrastructure capacity simply and quickly without creating stoppages in production. Codes are freer, as they do not depend on internal configuration rules and can be scaled as the app grows.


Another positive point for app development is professionals’ efficiency and improved performance. With a server less scenario, it is possible to deliver more solutions in less time, with the same quality and consistency — after all, the infrastructure will always be available, and the developers will be focused on the functionalities.

In the same way, the use of acquired resources is total since they fit perfectly with the IT needs.

Possibility Of Tests

Another advantage is the possibility of several tests to ensure the application’s consistency and solidity. The cloud generates greater flexibility to move applications and deal with different systems, which makes testing on different platforms possible before finalizing the project.

Fault Tolerance And Security

The server less model also reinforces fault tolerance and security, allowing for decentralized and decoupled development, with different teams working on different parts of the same application, for example. Thus, the error in one part of the system does not affect others, and it is possible to recover most of it if a point is compromised.

When combined with the common security mechanisms of cloud computing, this generates even more reliability for the process and less inconvenience, with intermittent support and high availability of information.

How To Create A Cloud App?

The first step is to choose a provider and a good development platform. It will be the infrastructure on which your apps will be built so that applications will depend on it. For this reason, this step must be well-planned.

So, a very interesting approach server less IT teams use is the division into micro services. Instead of implementing the system monolithic ally, the technology team will be divided into several small groups, each responsible for a function.

This makes sense in the server less model, as it is also called a function as a service, a platform for running code snippets referring to specific functions. Thus, it is possible to achieve independence between these parts and a greater speed of implementation.  

Which Platforms Offer This Service?

The market giants have already entered this market and are offering different solutions: Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Amazon present alternatives for the user. Amazon has Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the world’s most widely used cloud services, which also offers the server less computing model.

That model is Lambda, an alternative that allows you to develop code to handle events without managing the servers that perform the back-end work. Everything is simpler for the team, who can focus on a consistent product that completely solves customer demands.

Also Read: How The Mobile Cloud Can Impact Your Company

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